Live605 Countdown
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This week on the Live605 Countdown two songs move from honorable mentions to countdown contenders. This week we also have a new song on the top of the countdown! Make sure you vote by tagging Live605 in your Facebook posts, Tweets, by messaging us at (605) 937-8557, or by hitting me up, TPLUSK64 on all […]
After a week off the Live605 Countdown, I am back and there has been some movement on the countdown. Two weeks ago the Black Van Burnouts had a new song on the countdown, this week it is finding its way up the charts, along with another song that debuted on the coutndown two weeks ago! […]
What a weird week on the Live605 Countdown! After taking over the top spot on the countdown, last week’s #1 song V1o Zen by the Black Van Burnouts disappeared from the countdown. This means there is a new song at the top of the countdown this week. Will it be Chilly Nelson again, or will […]
Chilly Nelson has been holding the top spot due to their fans overwhelming support, but that could all change this week, can one of the other songs stop Chilly Nelson’s reign? Make sure you vote by tagging Live605 in your Facebook posts, Tweets, by messaging us at (605) 937-8557, or by hitting me up, TPLUSK64 […]
Last week your votes reminded everyone that Chilly Nelson needed to be at the top. This week we see a former #1 drop a spot while a song that has been on the countdown for a few weeks finds itself moving up the countdown. Make sure you vote by tagging Live605 in your Facebook posts, […]
After knocking Chilly Nelson out of the top spot SKAR is looking to hold on to the top spot, but the artists on the countdown won’t let them keep that spot without a fight. We do have two new songs on the countdown this week so there definitely is some movement on the countdown! Make […]
Last week Chilly Nelson made it two weeks in a row! This week the voting was insanely close! The first and second place were separated by only a couple votes. Will Chilly Nelson hang on? Take a listen and find out! Make sure you vote by tagging Live605 in your Facebook posts, Tweets, by messaging […]